1. "analysis_purchasing_under_threat.Rmd" is a R Markdown document (created in R Studio, R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05) -- "Action of the Toes") --> descriptives --> reliability analysis --> enables to recreate all anaylsis reported in the paper --> figures (with "ggplot2") 2. "data_purchasing_under_threat.csv" contains all data to reproduce reported data" Variable Names: Short Description X: row number ID: participants ID sex: 0 = female, 1 = male age education: educational level householdsize: number of persons living in one houshold risk_self: participants indicated if they (in person) belong to a risk group for a severe course of COVID-19 (coding: 0 = “no”, 1 = “yes”) risk_loved: participants indicated if they have regular contact to a person (e.g. household member) belonging to such a risk group (coding: 0 = “no”, 1 = “yes”) SEA: Sum Score Social Desirability Bias IUS: Sum Score Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale STAI: Sum Score Trait-Anxiety (with recoded Items) sem_diff: Threat of COVID-19 (mean) Prob_Einkaufen: subjective probability rating of getting infected while purchasing FreqMarch: Change in Purchasing Frequency in March 2020 compared to January 2020 QuaMarch: Change in Purchasing Quantity per purchase in March 2020 compared to January 2020 info_verlauf (= media exposure): extend of information gathering about COVID-19 Konserven_March: Change in purchasing quantity for canned food Seife_March: Change in purchasing quantity for soap Toilettenpapier_March: Change in purchasing quantity for toilet paper Nudeln_Reis_March: Change in purchasing quantity for pasta/rice Hefe_March: Change in purchasing quantity for yeast frisch_March: Change in purchasing quantity for fresh food Desinfektion_March: Change in purchasing quantity for disinfectants diff_sorge: Item1 Threat of COVID-19 diff_angst: Item2 Threat of COVID-19 diff_denke: Item3 Threat of COVID-19 diff_hilflos: Item4 Threat of COVID-19 diff_belastend: Item5 Threat of COVID-19 diff_nah: Item6 Threat of COVID-19 IUS1-IUS12: Items Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale SATI1-STAI20: Items Trait-Anxiety (some Items have to be recoede to recreate variable STAI; see R code) 3. "analyis_purchasing_under_threat.html" can be openend in the browser: contains R code and results