Explanation of the variables found in the CSV-tables timestamp: time of recording prediction: predicted activity state (active/passive) ID: ID of the tagged individual date: date sunset_date: Bats are active over night. Sunset_date stays the same before and after midnight. hour: full hour sunrise_date: same as sunset_date sunset: time of sunset sunrise: time of sunrise time_to_rise: distance of timestamp to sunrise in hours time_to_set: distance of timestamp to sunset in hours start_datetime: start time of tagging period stop_datetime: end of tagging period year: year of study ydate: nth day of year month: nth month of year species: species of tagged individual sex: sex of tagged individual age: age of tagged individual weight: weight of tagged individual rep.state: reproductive state of tagged individual n_days: Number of recording dfays activity: predictions coded as 0 and 1 (active=1, passive=0)