We used FORCE using Docker (FORCE v. 3.7.10) to work on a "prebuilt image" which can be "easily" pulled on a linux based system. We used Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS for our processing. Prior to downloading data we made sure of sufficient storage for mass processing of the data heavy satellite images. Reference - Frantz, D. (2019): FORCE – Landsat + Sentinel-2 Analysis Ready Data and beyond: Remote Sensing 11, 1124. http://doi.org/10.3390/rs11091124 For a detailed force installation tutorial refer to https://force-eo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Please exchange and adjust everything to your specific system and filenames depending of you are using Docker or not. ############################################### Pulling a docker image of latest force version ############################################### sudo docker pull \ davidfrantz/force ############################################### Running force ############################################### sudo docker run \ davidfrantz/force ############################################### Dependencies and requirements ############################################### A list of dependencies and requirements specific to Force should be installed. Refer to these links below 1.https://force-eo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setup/depend.html 2.https://force-eo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setup/requirements.html ##################################### # 1. set up the working environment ##################################### cd /home/myproject #create all kind of needed directories mkdir -p level1/level1-datapool/Landsat mkdir -p level1/meta/ mkdir level2 mkdir catalog mkdir param mkdir log mkdir misc mkdir temp mkdir level2/base mkdir provenance # Download metadata catalouge once before first use force-level1-csd -u catalog/ ## prior to data download either a. Save the study area shapefile in misc directory or b. select the tilenames (for Sentinel-2) and path/row numbers (for Landsat) ##################################################### # 2. Download level 1 Sentinel2 and Landsat data ##################################################### #2.1 download sentinel 2 data for 2017 to 2021 using study area shapefile # Note: First Docker command needs to use the Docker creditentials sudo docker run -v /home/myproject:/opt/data --user "$yourusername" --env FORCE_CREDENTIALS=/app/credentials -v $HOME:/app/credentials davidfrantz/force force-level1-csd -c 0,75 -d 20170101,20211231 -s S2A,S2B /opt/data/catalog/ /opt/data/level1/level1-datapool/ /opt/data/level1/level1-datapool/queue.txt /opt/data/misc/mystudyarea_shapefile.shp #2.2 download landsat data using landsatlinks ## --> make an account and request permission to download e.g. get "machine to machine" API ## create a file with your user credetials ## a simple .txt file first row username, second row password ### think of special character readability ## save the study area shapefile in the misc directory # 2.2.1 create file with download links for Landsat using landsatlinks: landsatlinks search /home/myproject/misc/mystudyarea_shapefile.shp /home/myproject/misc -s OLI -d 20220101,20221231 -m 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 -c 0,75 --secret /home/myproject/misc/landsatlink.txt -q /home/myproject/misc/landsat_download_links.txt -d = daterange -m = month -s = sensor -c = cloud cover -q = queue file --secret = path to the login credentials (Earth Explorer login) Reference to the landsatlinks github repository: https://github.com/ernstste/landsatlinks #2.2.2 In the misc folder access the download URLS written as a .txt file: cat /home/myproject/misc/urls_landsat_OLI_20230130T143754.txt| xargs -n 1 -P 50 wget -q -P /home/myproject/level1/level1-datapool/Landsat/landsatlinks --content-disposition ATTENTION: Please note, that the TXT file needs to be exchange for your project related file. This is just an example file mentioned here! #2.2.3 Unzip all the downloaded .tar files in the respective landsatlinks folder: cd /home/myproject/level1/level1-datapool/Landsat/landsatlinks for f in *.tar; do y=${f%.tar} mkdir $y sudo tar -xf "$f" -C $y; done ################################### # 3. Landsat ARD ################################### # 3.1 DEM # provide a DEM for enhanced cloud and cloud shadow detection, atmospheric correction, and to perform the topographic correction # download DEM of your choice, we recommend Copernicus DEM 30m. # built vrt with force find misc/dem/copernicus -name '*.tif' > misc/dem/copernicus/copernicus_dem.txt gdalbuildvrt -input_file_list misc/dem/copernicus/copernicus_dem.txt misc/dem/copernicus/copernicus_dem.vrt # 3.2 Download parameter file sudo docker run -v /home/myproject:/opt/data davidfrantz/force force-parameter /opt/data/param/landsat_level2.prm LEVEL2 ## The sample parameter file is attached with the data (landsat_level2.prm) # 3.3 create a queue file (.txt format) in the following structure: /opt/data/level1/level1-datapool/landsat/landsatlinks/name_of_landsat_file QUEUED ## update the path of the queue file in the parameter file # 3.4 Force Level2 processing sudo docker run -v /home/myproject:/opt/data davidfrantz/force force-level2 /opt/data/param/landsat_level2.prm #################################### # 4. Landsat base image #################################### # 4.1 Download parameter file sudo docker run -v /home/myproject:/opt/data davidfrantz/force force-parameter /opt/data/param/ls_base.prm TSA # 4.2 get Tile extent ## get the coords for the TSA prm file sudo docker run -v /home/myproject:/opt/data davidfrantz/force force-tile-extent /opt/data/misc/mystudyarea_shapefile.shp /opt/data/level2/ /opt/data/level2/base/TSA_extent_info.txt ## The sample parameter file is attached with the data (ls_base.prm) # 4.3 Force Level3 ## add additional tile extent in the params file so all folders are read in 2 extra in each direction sudo docker run -v /home/myproject:/opt/data davidfrantz/force force-higher-level /opt/data/param/ls_base.prm # 4.4 base image mosaic sudo docker run -v /home/myproject:/opt/data davidfrantz/force force-mosaic /opt/data/level2/base/ #################################### # 5. Sentinel2 Level2 ARD #################################### # 5.1 Download parameter file sudo docker run -v /home/myproject:/opt/data davidfrantz/force force-parameter /opt/data/param/sentinel_level2.prm LEVEL2 # 5.2 Force level 2 and coregistration sudo docker run -v /home/myproject:/opt/data davidfrantz/force force-level2 /opt/data/param/sentinel_level2.prm ## The sample parameter file is attached with the data (sentinel_level2.prm) # 5.3 Create report sudo docker run -v /home/myproject:/opt/data davidfrantz/force force-level2-report /opt/data/log/ ######################################## # 6. Sentinel2 Time-Series-Analysis (TSA) and indices Level3 ######################################## #6.1 parameter file TSA sudo docker run -v /home/myproject:/opt/data davidfrantz/force force-parameter /opt/data/param/sentinel_level3.prm TSA # 6.2 Force Sentinel Level3 TSA monthly aggregates #add additional tile extent in the params file so all folders are read in 2 extra in each direction sudo docker run -v /home/myproject:/opt/data davidfrantz/force force-higher-level /opt/data/param/sentinel_level3.prm ## for monthly aggregates use FBM = TRUE ## for yearly aggregates use FBY = TRUE (here date range is only one year) ## for multi annual aggregates FBY = TRUE AND! ##Under "PROCESSING TIMEFRAME" adjust to more than one year ##DATE_RANGE to 2017-01-01-2021-12-31 ## The sample parameter file is attached with the data (sentinel_level3.prm) #################################### # 7. Sentinel2 mosaic/vrt #################################### sudo docker run -v /home/myproject:/opt/data davidfrantz/force force-mosaic /opt/data/level3/