Readme Data of two online studies referring to the following publication: Li Sanchez,K. & Schwinger, M. (accepted, about to appear).Development and Validation of the Marburg Self-Regulation Questionnaire for Teachers Both studies were supported by "ProPraxis", a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF; 01JA1804) as part of the "Quality Offensive Teacher Education" (QLB). Overview of the proceedings of both studies Study 1 -Study information -Recording descriptive variables -Creation of subject codes -Explanatory video Self-regulation and contexts -MSR-L (79 items) -Self-assessment occupational success and health (5 single items) -Voucher draw Study 2 -Study information -Recording descriptive variables -Creation of subject codes -Teacher self-efficacy scale -Occupational stress -MES teacher/student version -AVEM -Explanatory video Self-regulation and contexts -MSR-L (55 items) -Voucher draw Study 1: Analyses were carried out with jamovi. Results are provided both as a pdf and as an OMV file with data files (jamovi). For a better overview, item- and regression-analyses are displayed in different datasheets. Variable descriptions can be found in the jamovi datasheet.Results are commented in the OMV file. Analyses were carried out with active filters 1-3. Each row in jamovi contains one participant. In addition, the dataset is provided as a CSV. Study 2: Item-Analyses were carried out with jamovi. Results are provided both as a pdf and as an OMV file with data files (jamovi). Variable descriptions can be found in the jamovi datasheet.Results are commented in the OMV file. Analyses were carried out with active filters 1-3. Each row in jamovi contains one participant. In addition, the dataset is provided as a CSV, variable descriptions can be found in codebook study 2. Data from studies 1 and 2 were pooled for CFA (N611), which was conducted with mplus. Results are made available as an OUT file (Mplus), which can be opened with text editor too. To investigate the factore structure, four models were tested: 1. A one-factor model of self-regulation, which postulates self-regulation as a general and cross-domain competence. 2. A three-factorial model that maps the three processes of planning, monitoring and reflection, but does not take into account the subdivision into different areas. 3. A domain- and process-specific model with a total of 24 factors that map the adaptive and maladaptive strategies of the three process areas of planning, monitoring and reflection in the four contexts of teaching, motivating oneself, self-care and commu-nication. 4. A bi-factor model that assumes two bi-factors (adaptive and maladaptive) in addition to model 3. The items were assessed in 4 different contexts and therefore have a u for teaching, m for motivating oneself, s for self-care and c for communication in front of the name. Accordingly, the presented item UMOABL1 and MMOABL1 are the same, but were asked in the context of teaching and motivating oneself. Variables Description: Items were: Item label Original language (German) Translation PLALLP3 Ich gehe strategisch vor, um an mein Ziel zu kommen. I take a strategic approach to achieve my goal. PLLZ3 Ich beschäftige mich lieber mit einfacheren Dingen als aktuellen Herausforderungen. I prefer to deal with easier things than current challenges. PLNTAK3 Ich weiß nicht genau, auf was ich meine Aufmerksamkeit richten muss, um meine Ziele zu erreichen. I don't know exactly where to focus my attention to achieve my goals. PLNTAK4 Bei Problemen/Hindernissen kommt mir erstmal alles Mögliche in den Kopf, dass nichts damit zu tun hat. When faced with problems/obstacles, I first think of all sorts of things that have nothing to do with them. PLSPTZ2 Ich überlege, was genau ich erreichen will. I think about exactly what I want to achieve. PLSPTZ3 Ich kann sinnvolle Zwischenziele spezifizieren. I can set meaningful interim goals. PLSTAW2 Ich weiß, welche Strategien hilfreich sind. I know what strategies are helpful. PLUNTZ1 Es fällt mir schwer, Prioritäten zu setzen. I find it difficult to prioritise. PLWAK4 Ich mache mir die Anforderungen in der jeweiligen Situation bewusst. I am aware of the demands of the situation. MOABL2 Es fällt mir schwer, mein Ziel im Auge zu behalten. I find it difficult to stay on target. MOADS3 Ich passe meine Strategien an die jeweilige Situation an. I adapt my strategies according to the situation. MOATTF3 Ich kann meine Aufmerksamkeit auf aufgabenrelevante Aspekte richten. I can focus my attention on aspects relevant to the task. MODIS1 Ich merke, dass ich immer weniger Lust habe, etwas zu tun. I notice that I have less and less desire to do anything. MODIS4 Wenn etwas nicht klappt, werfe ich schnell das Handtuch. I quit easily if things don't work out. MOSHC2 Statt notwendigen Aufgaben mache ich andere Dinge, die mir später Instead of doing the necessary tasks, I do other things that can later be used to justify my possible failure. eine Rechtfertigung für mein mögliches Scheitern liefern können. MOSIN3 Ich leite mich selbst innerlich an, wie ich etwas tun möchte. I internally instruct myself on how I want to do something MOSO1 Ich passe auf, ob ich das tue, was ich mir vorgenommen habe. I pay attention to whether I am doing what I set out to do. MOSO4 Ich registriere, wie ich vorgehe. I register how I am progressing. REANP1 Meine Zwischenziele dienen mir als Kompass für mein weiteres Vorgehen. My interim goals serve as a compass for my further actions. REGATT4 Ich erkenne, was ich selbst dazu beitragen kann, situationsspezifische Anforderungen zu meistern. I identify what I can contribute to meeting situation-specific requirements. REGUMI1 Ich untersuche, was ich aus gemachten Fehlern lernen kann. I examine what I can learn from mistakes I have made. RETEV1 Ich prüfe, wie gut ich vorankomme. I check how well I am progressing. REUATT2 Im Nachhinein bin ich überzeugt, dass meine Vorhaben nur zufällig gut ausgegangen ist. Looking back, I am convinced that my plans worked out well only by chance. REUATT3 Bei Misserfolgen bin ich überzeugt, dass diese auf meine Unfähigkeit zurückzuführen sind. In the case of failure, I am convinced that it is due to my incompetence. REUMI1 Wenn ich Probleme nicht lösen kann, verurteile ich mich dafür. If I can't solve a problem, I blame myself. REUMI2 Ich resigniere schnell, wenn etwas nicht funktioniert. I quickly give up if something doesn't work. REOUT2 Im Nachhinein weiß ich, warum etwas gut oder nicht gut geklappt hat. In retrospect, I can tell why something worked well or not.