# The datasets "study_data.csv" and "interrater_reliability.csv" are part of a clinical psychological study that has been registered at Aspredicted.org (https://aspredicted.org/tj6tb.pdf) and published as a preprint at Psyarxiv (https://psyarxiv.com/tvebd/; doi: 10.31234/osf.io/tvebd). # The study was approved by the local ethics committee of the University of Marburg (reference number: 2022-32k). # The dataset "study_data.csv" consists of data from a subclinical online sample (N=155) collected between November 16, 2022, and November 30, 2022, using the online research platform "Prolific" (https://www.prolific.co/). For more information about the variables included in the dataset, please refer to the file "study_data_codebook.csv". # The dataset "interrater_reliability.csv" consists of data from two independent raters collected after study completion in order to calculate rater's agreement regarding 10% of participant's thoughts collected after receiving social feedback. For more information about the variables included in the dataset, please refer to the file "interrater_reliability_codebook.csv". # The file "descriptive_statistics_main_analyses.R" contains the code used to obtain descriptive statistics and perform the main analyses using JASP (Version 0.17.1) using the "study_data.csv" file. To apply the code to JASP, please follow the instructions in "descriptive_statistics_main_analyses.R". # The file "exploratory_network_analysis.R" contains the code used to conduct the exploratory network analysis with R (Version 4.3.2) and R Studio (Version 2023.12.1+402) using the "study_data.csv" file.