SPSS Datasheet ‘Dataset_exp2.sav‘ Project Name: Expectation Change vs. Maintenance in an experiential learning paradigm in individuals suffering from subchronic pain Note. Exclusion criterion: If data from at least one session (t0,t1,t2) were missing, participant was excluded from the dataset (n=7). Variables Description: Each row in SPSS contains one participant # Variable name Description 1 problem Indicating participants’ codes which appeared double in raw_data ‘1’ = invalid data 2 valid "Indicating valid data sets ‘1’ = valid; ‘0’ = invalid" 3 uncompleted uncompleted ‘1’ = missing data (systematically) at t0 4 Teilnahme indicates if S has participated at all time points – can be irgnored 5 VP_Code ‘VP-Code’ ----individual code of participants 6 Einwilligung ‘Informed Consent’ ‘1’ = given, ‘0’=not given 7-13 Ausschluss1-7 Exclusion Criteria '1'->excluded 14 vorherige_Thermodenstudie Have you participated in another thermode experiment? '1'=yes, '2'=no 15-24 Einschluss 1-10 Inclusion criteria 25 Geschlecht sex 26 Nationalität nationality 27 Alter age 28 Familienstand family status 29 Kinder children 30 Kinderzahl if 29 ‘yes’ -> number of children 31 Schulbildung educational degree 32 Berufsausbildung professional training 33 Beruflicher_Status current professional status 34 Beruf current profession 35 Krankgeschrieben "on sick leave ‘1’ = no; ‘2’=yes" 36 Schmerzerfahrung "severe pain experienced in the past ‘0=no; ‘1’=yes" 37 Art_Schmerzerfahrung if ‘36=1’, describe what kind of pain experience 38 Pille "oral contraceptive intake ‘1’=no; ‘2’ = yes" 39 letzte_Regelblutung last period string character 40-52 PCS1 to PCS13 Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS Items 1 to 13) with values from ‘1’ = not at all true to ‘5’ = always 53-69 PSQ1 to PSQ17 Pain Sensitivity Questionnaire (PSQ Items 1 to 17) with values from ‘1’=0, no pain to ‘11’ = 10, worst pain imaginable 70-89 PASS1 to PASS20 Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale (PASS Items 1 to 20) with values from ‘1’=never to ‘6’=always 90-101 FESV1 to FESV12 "Fragebogen zur Erfassung der Schmerzverarbeitung (FESV; Pain Coping _Scale Cognitive, Items 1-12) with values from ‚1‘ = not at all true-‘6’=totally true" 102-111 FESS1 to FESS10 Pain Coping Questionnaire (FESS, Items 1 to 10) with values from ‘1’=not at all conviced to ‘6’= totally convinced 112-131 CFI1 to CFI20 Cognitive Flexibility Inventory (CFI, Items 1 to 20) with values from ‘1’ =disagree to ‘7’=absolutely agree 132-138 BDI1 to BDI7 "Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI, Items 1 to 7) with values from ‘1’ to ‘4’ with different verbal expressions; Note Scale is incomplete as several items were missing in Unipark" 139-154 PVAQ1 to PVAQ16 "Pain Vigilance and Attention Questionnaire (PVAQ; Items 1 to 16) with values from ‘1’=never to ‘6’ always" 155-161 Schmerz1 to Schmerz7 Von Korff Graded Chronic Pain Status (Items 1 to 7) 155 Schmerz1 "Pain Disability in past two weeks: ‘1’=0days; ‘2’ =1-2days, ‘3’=3-5days; ‘4’=more than 5 days" 156 Schmerz2 momentary pain: ‘1’ = no pain to ‘11=worst imaginable pain 157 Schmerz3 max. pain intensity last week: ‘1’ = no pain to ‘11’=worst imaginable pain 158 Schmerz4 average pain intensity last week: ‘1’ = no pain to ‘11’=worst imaginable pain 159 Schmerz5 pain disability in daily activities: ‘1’ = no disability to ‘11’ incapable of doing anything 160 Schmerz6 pain disability in family life/leisure time: ‘1’ = no disability to ‘11’ incapable of doing anything 161 Schmerz7 pain disability work: ‘1’ = no disability to ‘11’ incapable of doing anything 162 c_0001 filter variables for inclusion: (V159+V160+V161 /3*10 = c002) 163 c_0002 filter variables for exclusion: c002 > 79 OR V155 = 4 OR (c002 = 60 - 79 and V155 ≥2) OR c002 = 40 - 59 and V155 ≥ 3 164 Studienort "site ‘0’=Landau; ‘1’=Marburg" 165-177 T1PCS1 to T1PCS13 PCS at T1 (for more information see Variables V40-52) 178-197 T1PASS1 to T1PASS20 PASS at T1 (for more information see Variables 70-89) 198-209 T1FESV1 to T1FESV12 FESV at T1 (for more information see Variables 90-101) 210 ErwartungSB Expectation Item -> Wording ‘I expect that this expectation will help me to cope with pain in other situations’ with values from ‘1’=not at all to ‘5’=absolutely 211 Händigkeit dominant hand ‘string’ 212 Auffälligkeiten Notes (e.g., problems during T1) 213 Versuchsleiter Experimenter Code 1-4 214 Gruppe "Experimental Group ‘1’=EG Expectation-disconfirmation; ‘2’=CG;Expectation-confirmation" 215 ST1 Pain tolerance in degree °C baseline first measure 216 ST2 Pain tolerance in degree °C baseline second measure 217 ST3 Pain tolerance in degree °C post first measure 218 ST4 Pain tolerance in degree °C post second measure 219 Intensität_tol1 Pain intensity during first pain tolerance baseline measure (values from ‘0’=no pain to ‘10’=worst imaginable pain) 220 Aversivität_tol1 Pain unpleasantness during first pain tolerance baseline measure (values from ‘0’=bearable to ‘10’=unbearable) 221 Intensität_tol2 Pain intensity during second pain tolerance baseline measure 222 Aversivität_tol2 Pain unpleasantness during second pain tolerance baseline measure 223 Intensität1 Pain intensity during first trial 224 Aversivität1 Pain unpleasantness during first trial 225 Intensität2 Pain intensity during second trial 226 Aversivität2 Pain unpleasantness during second trial 227 Intensität3 Pain intensity during third trial 228 Aversivität3 Pain unpleasantness during third trial 229 Intensität_tol3 Pain intensity during first post pain tolerance measure 230 Aversivität_tol3 Pain unpleasantness during first post pain tolerance measure 231 Intensität_tol4 Pain intensity during second post pain tolerance measure 232 Aversivität_tol4 Pain unpleasantness during second post pain tolerance measure 233 Erw_Intensität1 Expected Pain intensity during first trial 234 Erw_Aversivität1 Expected Pain unpleasantness during first trial 235 Erw_Intensität2 Expected Pain intensity during second trial 236 Erw_Aversivität2 Expected Pain unpleasantness during second trial 237 Erw_Intensität3 Expected Pain intensity during third trial 238 Erw_Aversivität3 Expected Pain unpleasantness during third trial 239 Erw_Intensität_tol3 Expected Pain intensity during first post pain tolerance measure 240 Erw_Aversivität_tol3 Expected Pain unpleasantness during first post pain tolerance measure 241 Erw_Intensität_tol4 Expected Pain intensity during second post pain tolerance measure 242 Erw_Aversivität_tol4 Expected Pain unpleasantness during second post pain tolerance measure 243-264 Immu1 to Immu 20 Qualitative Measures of ‘Cognitive Immunization’ 265 Datum_T1 Date T1 266-272 T2Schmerz1 to T2Schmerz7 GCPS VonKorff for last week prior to T2 (see Variables 155 to 161) 273-285 T2PCS1 to T2PCS13 PCS T2 (for more information see Variables V40-52) 286-305 T2PASS1 to T2PASS20 PASS T2 (for more information see Variables V70-89) 306-321 T2PVAQ1 to T2PVAQ16 PVAQ T2 (for more information see Variables V139-154) 322-345 T2FESV1 to T2FESV24 "FESV T2 (322 to 333_ Cognitive Coping (see T0 and T1; (for more information see Variables V90-101); 334 to 345 behavioral coping during past week" 346-369 T2FESV1_1 to T2FESV24_1 If S reported no pain during last week, he/she is asked to refer to expected next pain episode 370 Hilfreich Expectation (see V211 -> Wording ‘I expect that this expectation will help me to cope with pain in other situations’ with values from ‘1’=not at all to ‘5’=absolutely) 371 HändigkeitT2 dominant hand (repetition) 372 AuffälligkeitenT2 Notes (e.g., problems) during T2 373 VersuchsleiterT2 Experimenter 374 GruppeT2 Experimental Condition (see V215) 375 T2ST1 Pain Tolerance First Follow-up Measure 376 T2ST2 Pain Tolerance Second Follow-up Measure 377 T2Erw_Intensität1 Expected Pain Intensity during First Follow-up Measure 378 T2Erw_Aversivität1 Expected Pain Unpleasantness during First Follow-up Measure 379 T2Erw_Intensität2 Expected Pain Intensity during second Follow-up Measure 380 T2Erw_Aversivität2 Expected Pain Unpleasantness during second Follow-up Measure 381 T2Intensität1 Pain Intensity during First Follow-up Measure 382 T2Aversivität1 Pain Unpleasantness during First Follow-up Measure 383 T2Intensität2 Pain Intensity during second Follow-up Measure 384 T2Aversivität2 Pain Unpleasantness during second Follow-up Measure 385-387 Täuschung (see below) Manipulation Check 385 TäuschungBemerkt Deception recognized by participant (rated by experimenter) 386 Sicherheit_Täuschung Certainty of deception in percentage (rated by experimenter) 387 Verm_Täuschung Guess of deception by participant (rated by experimenter) 388 DatumT2 Date T2 389 Datetime_T0 Datetime_T0