Retinal pigment epithelial cell maturation

Subset that includes video data

General information

Repository overview

This subset of the repository contains the video data of the study. This includes mp4-files that show stained proteins in an apical to basal direction. It further contains the Fiji macro used for generating mp4-files from tif-files that can be found in the image data subset of this collection.

Experiments were conducted with two cell types, ARPE-19 (adult retinal pigment epithelial cell line) and induced pluripotent stem cell-derived RPE (iPSC-RPE) cells. ARPE-19 and iPSC-RPE cells were each grouped into four condition categories:

Data collection structure (current subset marked in bold letters)

/ Data collection: Retinal pigment epithelial cell maturation
├── /Analytical data
│ └── /
│ └── /
│ └── /Transcript_expression_analysis.csv
│ └── /Multiplex_immunoassay.csv
│ └── /Multiplex_immunoassay_validation.csv
│ └── /Enzyme_linked_immunosorbent_assay.csv
│ └── /Image_analysis.csv
│ └── /Transepithelial_resistance.csv
├── /Image data
│ └── /
│ └── /
│ ├── /
│ ├── /
│ ├── /
│ └── /Generation_summary_images.ijm
│ └── /Image_analysis_ARPE-19_NA.ijm
│ └── /Image_analysis_CA.ijm
│ └── /Image_analysis_GT335-A.ijm
│ └── /Image_analysis_iPSC-RPE_NA.ijm
├── /Video data
│ └── /
│ └── /
│ └── /[Variable(s)]_video.mp4
│ └── /Video_generation.ijm

├── /Western blot data
│ └── /
│ └── /
│ ├── /
│ ├── /
│ ├── /

Description of mp4-files

Each mp4-file name follows the conventions:
