Retinal pigment epithelial cell maturation

Subset that includes image data

General information

Repository overview

This subset of the repository contains the image data of the study in zip folders. This includes several replicates of the recorded 16-bit stacks as tif-files of the immunostainings that can be opened using Fiji. It further contains summary images as jpg-files used for image analysis. And it includes Fiji macros used for the analysis.

During the study Fiji (imageJ) version 1.54f was used (Schindelin, J., Arganda-Carreras, I., Frise, E., Kaynig, V., Longair, M., Pietzsch, T., Preibisch, S., Rueden, C., Saalfeld, S., Schmid, B., Tinevez, J.-Y., White, D. J., Hartenstein, V., Eliceiri, K., Tomancak, P., & Cardona, A. (2012). Fiji: an open-source platform for biological-image analysis. Nature Methods, 9(7), 676–682.

The following Fiji macros are included in this subset:

Experiments were conducted with two cell types, ARPE-19 (adult retinal pigment epithelial cell line) and induced pluripotent stem cell-derived RPE (iPSC-RPE) cells. ARPE-19 and iPSC-RPE cells were each grouped into four condition categories:

This subsets includes three folders:

Data collection structure (current subset marked in bold letters)

/ Data collection: Retinal pigment epithelial cell maturation
├── /Analytical data
│ └── /
│ └── /
│ └── /Transcript_expression_analysis.csv
│ └── /Multiplex_immunoassay.csv
│ └── /Multiplex_immunoassay_validation.csv
│ └── /Enzyme_linked_immunosorbent_assay.csv
│ └── /Image_analysis.csv
│ └── /Transepithelial_resistance.csv
├── /Image data
│ └── /
│ └── /
│ ├── /
│ ├── /
│ ├── /
│ └── /Generation_summary_images.ijm
│ └── /Image_analysis_ARPE-19_NA.ijm
│ └── /Image_analysis_CA.ijm
│ └── /Image_analysis_GT335-A.ijm
│ └── /Image_analysis_iPSC-RPE_NA.ijm

├── /Video data
│ └── /
│ └── /
│ └── /[Variable(s)]_video.mp4
│ └── /Video_generation.ijm
├── /Western blot data
│ └── /
│ └── /
│ ├── /
│ ├── /
│ ├── /

Description of tif/jpg-files

Each tif/jpg-file name follows the conventions:
