## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.6.3
## Warning: package 'sjPlot' was built under R version 3.6.3
## Learn more about sjPlot with 'browseVignettes("sjPlot")'.
## Warning: package 'psych' was built under R version 3.6.3
## Attaching package: 'psych'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:ggplot2':
##     %+%, alpha
folder <- "E:/Analyse_Corona_Einkaufen/Exporte/upload/data_purchasing_under_threat.csv" #define path

data_sample <- read.table(folder,
                   header = TRUE,
                   sep = ","

#data_sample$sem_diff <- as.numeric(as.character(data_sample$sem_diff))
data_sample$householdsize <- as.numeric(as.character(data_sample$householdsize))
preprocess_overall_pruchasing <- function(df){
  continuous_vars <-  select(df,

 df_export <- data.frame(select(df, ID, sex, risk_self, risk_loved),
                         apply(continuous_vars, 2, scale))


preprocess_overall_pruchasing_filtered <- function(df){
  group_fre <- c()
  group_fre[df$FreqMarch < 0] <- "less"
  group_fre[df$FreqMarch == 0] <- "same"
  group_fre[df$FreqMarch > 0] <- "more"
  group_qua <- c()
  group_qua[df$QuaMarch < 0] <- "less"
  group_qua[df$QuaMarch == 0] <- "same"
  group_qua[df$QuaMarch > 0] <- "more"

  filtered_df <- filter(df, group_qua != "less" & group_fre != "more")
  continuous_vars <-  select(filtered_df,

 df_export <- data.frame(select(filtered_df, ID, sex, risk_self, risk_loved),
                         apply(continuous_vars, 2, scale))


preprocess_individual_products <- function(df, t, DV){
  df$Konserven_March[df$Konserven_March < 0] <- t
  df$Seife_March[df$Seife_March < 0] <- t
  df$Toilettenpapier_March[df$Toilettenpapier_March < 0] <- t
  df$Nudeln_Reis_March[df$Nudeln_Reis_March < 0] <- t
  df$Hefe_March[df$Hefe_March < 0] <- t
  df$frisch_March[df$frisch_March < 0] <- t
  df$Desinfektion_March[df$Desinfektion_March < 0] <- t
  NonPerishableFood <- rowMeans(select(df, Desinfektion_March,
                                       Toilettenpapier_March), na.rm = TRUE)

  HygieneProducts <- rowMeans(select(df, Nudeln_Reis_March,
                                     Toilettenpapier_March), na.rm = TRUE)
  FreshFood <- df$frisch_March
  df_new <- data.frame(select(df, ID:Prob_Einkaufen, info_verlauf),
 continuous_vars <-  select(df_new,
 df_export <- data.frame(select(df_new, ID, sex, risk_self, risk_loved),
                         apply(continuous_vars, 2, scale))

print_model <- function(df, model, add_variable){

if(model == "Baseline"){
  subdata_Freq <- select(df, FreqMarch, sex, age, education, householdsize, SEA)
  subdata_Qua <- select(df, QuaMarch, sex, age, education, householdsize, SEA)
  Model_Freq <- lm(FreqMarch ~ ., data = subdata_Freq)
  Model_Qua <- lm(QuaMarch ~ ., data = subdata_Qua)

  table_model <- tab_model(Model_Freq, Model_Qua,
                  show.intercept = FALSE,
         = FALSE,
         = FALSE,
                  show.stat = TRUE,
                  #show.df = TRUE,
         = "scientific",
         = "SE",
                  string.est = "b")

else if(model == "specific"){
  subdata_Freq <- select(df, FreqMarch, sex, age, education, householdsize, SEA, add_variable)
  subdata_Qua <- select(df, QuaMarch, sex, age, education, householdsize, SEA, add_variable)
  Model_Freq <- lm(FreqMarch ~ ., data = subdata_Freq)
  Model_Qua <- lm(QuaMarch ~ ., data = subdata_Qua)

  table_model <- tab_model(Model_Freq, Model_Qua,
                  show.intercept = FALSE,
         = FALSE,
         = FALSE,
                  show.stat = TRUE,
                  #show.df = TRUE,
         = "scientific",
         = "SE",
                  string.est = "b")

else if(model == "overall"){
  subdata_Freq <-select(df, FreqMarch, 
  subdata_Qua <-select(df, QuaMarch, 

  Model_Freq <- lm(FreqMarch ~ ., data = subdata_Freq)
  Model_Qua <- lm(QuaMarch ~ ., data = subdata_Qua)

  table_model <- tab_model(Model_Freq, Model_Qua,
                  show.intercept = FALSE,
         = FALSE,
         = FALSE,
                  show.stat = TRUE,
                  #show.df = TRUE,
         = "scientific",
         = "SE",
                  string.est = "b")

else{"Something went wrong!"}
##                       vars   n    mean     sd  median trimmed    mad min
## X                        1 813  407.00 234.84  407.00  407.00 300.97   1
## ID                       2 813 1437.23 734.81 1341.00 1402.01 929.59 348
## sex                      3 813    0.22   0.41    0.00    0.14   0.00   0
## age                      4 813   42.42  15.00   42.00   42.02  19.27  18
## education                5 813    4.08   0.91    4.00    4.16   1.48   1
## householdsize            6 813    2.40   1.56    2.00    2.21   1.48   1
## risk_self                7 813    0.41   0.49    0.00    0.39   0.00   0
## risk_loved               8 813    0.50   0.50    1.00    0.50   0.00   0
## SEA                      9 813   19.86   2.33   20.00   19.88   2.97  13
## IUS                     10 813   32.50   9.92   32.00   32.24  10.38  12
## STAI                    11 813   40.31  11.13   39.00   39.69  11.86  20
## sem_diff                12 813    4.16   1.36    4.17    4.18   1.48   1
## Prob_Einkaufen          13 813   25.68  25.57   18.00   22.05  23.72   0
## FreqMarch               14 813   -0.86   1.35   -1.00   -0.91   1.48  -3
## QuaMarch                15 813    0.58   1.12    0.00    0.55   1.48  -3
## info_verlauf            16 813    3.20   0.72    3.00    3.26   1.48   1
## Konserven_March         17 666    0.39   0.95    0.00    0.33   0.00  -3
## Seife_March             18 787    0.26   0.84    0.00    0.18   0.00  -3
## Toilettenpapier_March   19 803   -0.02   1.02    0.00    0.07   0.00  -3
## Nudeln_Reis_March       20 797    0.31   0.95    0.00    0.29   0.00  -3
## Hefe_March              21 462   -0.38   1.27    0.00   -0.29   0.00  -3
## frisch_March            22 794    0.18   0.70    0.00    0.11   0.00  -3
## Desinfektion_March      23 489    0.42   1.25    0.00    0.46   1.48  -3
## diff_sorge              24 812    4.29   1.85    5.00    4.36   1.48   1
## diff_angst              25 808    3.49   1.84    4.00    3.40   2.97   1
## diff_denke              26 808    4.53   1.53    5.00    4.60   1.48   1
## diff_hilflos            27 811    3.98   1.82    4.00    3.97   1.48   1
## diff_belastend          28 812    4.50   1.90    5.00    4.63   1.48   1
## diff_nah                29 809    4.16   1.64    4.00    4.22   1.48   1
## STAI1                   30 813    2.88   0.72    3.00    2.87   0.00   1
## STAI2                   31 813    2.29   0.82    2.00    2.26   1.48   1
## STAI3                   32 813    1.74   0.73    2.00    1.66   1.48   1
## STAI4                   33 813    1.47   0.72    1.00    1.33   0.00   1
## STAI5                   34 813    1.86   0.75    2.00    1.80   1.48   1
## STAI6                   35 813    2.52   0.83    3.00    2.53   1.48   1
## STAI7                   36 813    2.78   0.82    3.00    2.79   1.48   1
## STAI8                   37 813    1.77   0.77    2.00    1.68   1.48   1
## STAI9                   38 813    2.25   0.93    2.00    2.19   1.48   1
## STAI10                  39 813    2.95   0.81    3.00    2.98   1.48   1
## STAI11                  40 813    1.92   0.88    2.00    1.84   1.48   1
## STAI12                  41 813    1.99   0.89    2.00    1.89   1.48   1
## STAI13                  42 813    2.82   0.93    3.00    2.88   1.48   1
## STAI14                  43 813    1.92   0.82    2.00    1.85   1.48   1
## STAI15                  44 813    1.81   0.77    2.00    1.73   1.48   1
## STAI16                  45 813    3.08   0.82    3.00    3.14   1.48   1
## STAI17                  46 813    2.07   0.86    2.00    2.00   1.48   1
## STAI18                  47 813    2.06   0.92    2.00    1.97   1.48   1
## STAI19                  48 813    2.82   0.85    3.00    2.84   1.48   1
## STAI20                  49 813    2.00   0.90    2.00    1.91   1.48   1
## IUS1                    50 813    2.77   1.24    3.00    2.71   1.48   1
## IUS2                    51 813    3.39   1.29    3.00    3.49   1.48   1
## IUS3                    52 813    2.66   1.37    3.00    2.57   1.48   1
## IUS4                    53 813    3.18   1.25    3.00    3.23   1.48   1
## IUS5                    54 813    2.66   1.31    3.00    2.57   1.48   1
## IUS6                    55 813    2.30   1.27    2.00    2.14   1.48   1
## IUS7                    56 813    2.67   1.28    3.00    2.59   1.48   1
## IUS8                    57 813    2.86   1.36    3.00    2.83   1.48   1
## IUS9                    58 813    2.31   1.26    2.00    2.15   1.48   1
## IUS10                   59 813    2.22   1.22    2.00    2.06   1.48   1
## IUS11                   60 813    3.10   1.29    3.00    3.13   1.48   1
## IUS12                   61 813    2.38   1.24    2.00    2.24   1.48   1
##                        max range  skew kurtosis    se
## X                      813   812  0.00    -1.20  8.24
## ID                    2858  2510  0.30    -1.13 25.77
## sex                      1     1  1.38    -0.09  0.01
## age                     79    61  0.13    -1.20  0.53
## education                5     4 -0.62    -0.47  0.03
## householdsize           20    19  4.44    41.44  0.05
## risk_self                1     1  0.36    -1.88  0.02
## risk_loved               1     1 -0.01    -2.00  0.02
## SEA                     27    14 -0.07     0.03  0.08
## IUS                     60    48  0.24    -0.40  0.35
## STAI                    72    52  0.44    -0.43  0.39
## sem_diff                 7     6 -0.14    -0.50  0.05
## Prob_Einkaufen         100   100  1.03     0.22  0.90
## FreqMarch                3     6  0.29     0.00  0.05
## QuaMarch                 3     6  0.11     0.84  0.04
## info_verlauf             4     3 -0.44    -0.58  0.03
## Konserven_March          3     6  0.23     2.52  0.04
## Seife_March              3     6  0.30     4.05  0.03
## Toilettenpapier_March    3     6 -0.70     2.97  0.04
## Nudeln_Reis_March        3     6  0.01     2.64  0.03
## Hefe_March               3     6 -0.65     0.63  0.06
## frisch_March             3     6  1.02     5.39  0.02
## Desinfektion_March       3     6 -0.37     1.26  0.06
## diff_sorge               7     6 -0.36    -0.95  0.06
## diff_angst               7     6  0.21    -1.04  0.06
## diff_denke               7     6 -0.42    -0.33  0.05
## diff_hilflos             7     6  0.02    -0.96  0.06
## diff_belastend           7     6 -0.43    -0.91  0.07
## diff_nah                 7     6 -0.28    -0.61  0.06
## STAI1                    4     3 -0.06    -0.55  0.03
## STAI2                    4     3  0.30    -0.37  0.03
## STAI3                    4     3  0.70     0.03  0.03
## STAI4                    4     3  1.49     1.75  0.03
## STAI5                    4     3  0.53    -0.21  0.03
## STAI6                    4     3 -0.11    -0.54  0.03
## STAI7                    4     3 -0.13    -0.62  0.03
## STAI8                    4     3  0.78     0.15  0.03
## STAI9                    4     3  0.32    -0.74  0.03
## STAI10                   4     3 -0.30    -0.58  0.03
## STAI11                   4     3  0.64    -0.41  0.03
## STAI12                   4     3  0.69    -0.20  0.03
## STAI13                   4     3 -0.29    -0.83  0.03
## STAI14                   4     3  0.60    -0.20  0.03
## STAI15                   4     3  0.72     0.15  0.03
## STAI16                   4     3 -0.48    -0.57  0.03
## STAI17                   4     3  0.52    -0.32  0.03
## STAI18                   4     3  0.53    -0.57  0.03
## STAI19                   4     3 -0.15    -0.78  0.03
## STAI20                   4     3  0.54    -0.56  0.03
## IUS1                     5     4  0.18    -0.77  0.04
## IUS2                     5     4 -0.37    -0.78  0.05
## IUS3                     5     4  0.29    -1.07  0.05
## IUS4                     5     4 -0.14    -0.75  0.04
## IUS5                     5     4  0.30    -0.90  0.05
## IUS6                     5     4  0.64    -0.59  0.04
## IUS7                     5     4  0.25    -0.88  0.04
## IUS8                     5     4  0.10    -1.08  0.05
## IUS9                     5     4  0.62    -0.55  0.04
## IUS10                    5     4  0.71    -0.38  0.04
## IUS11                    5     4 -0.10    -0.91  0.05
## IUS12                    5     4  0.52    -0.56  0.04
#Threat of COVID-19 (sem_diff)

df_sem_diff <- select(data_sample, diff_sorge:diff_nah)

data_sample$STAI1_rec <- as.numeric(recode(as.character(data_sample$STAI1), "1" = "4", "2" = "3", "3" = "2", "4" = "1", ))
data_sample$STAI6_rec <- as.numeric(recode(as.character(data_sample$STAI6), "1" = "4", "2" = "3", "3" = "2", "4" = "1", ))
data_sample$STAI7_rec <- as.numeric(recode(as.character(data_sample$STAI7), "1" = "4", "2" = "3", "3" = "2", "4" = "1", ))
data_sample$STAI10_rec <- as.numeric(recode(as.character(data_sample$STAI10), "1" = "4", "2" = "3", "3" = "2", "4" = "1", ))
data_sample$STAI13_rec <- as.numeric(recode(as.character(data_sample$STAI13), "1" = "4", "2" = "3", "3" = "2", "4" = "1", ))
data_sample$STAI16_rec <- as.numeric(recode(as.character(data_sample$STAI16), "1" = "4", "2" = "3", "3" = "2", "4" = "1", ))
data_sample$STAI19_rec <- as.numeric(recode(as.character(data_sample$STAI19), "1" = "4", "2" = "3", "3" = "2", "4" = "1", ))

df_STAI <- select(data_sample,


df_IUS <- select(data_sample, IUS1:IUS12)

#Cronbach´s Alpha

## Reliability analysis   
## Call: psych::alpha(x = df_sem_diff)
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N    ase mean  sd median_r
##       0.86      0.86    0.85      0.51 6.2 0.0074  4.2 1.4     0.52
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.85 0.86 0.88 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##                raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se  var.r
## diff_sorge          0.82      0.82    0.79      0.47 4.5   0.0100 0.0074
## diff_angst          0.82      0.82    0.79      0.47 4.4   0.0101 0.0067
## diff_denke          0.85      0.85    0.83      0.53 5.5   0.0084 0.0133
## diff_hilflos        0.84      0.84    0.83      0.52 5.4   0.0085 0.0113
## diff_belastend      0.84      0.84    0.82      0.51 5.2   0.0086 0.0146
## diff_nah            0.86      0.86    0.84      0.54 5.9   0.0079 0.0082
##                med.r
## diff_sorge      0.50
## diff_angst      0.52
## diff_denke      0.53
## diff_hilflos    0.52
## diff_belastend  0.51
## diff_nah        0.52
##  Item statistics 
##                  n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean  sd
## diff_sorge     812  0.85  0.84  0.83   0.76  4.3 1.8
## diff_angst     808  0.85  0.85  0.84   0.77  3.5 1.8
## diff_denke     808  0.71  0.73  0.64   0.60  4.5 1.5
## diff_hilflos   811  0.75  0.74  0.66   0.62  4.0 1.8
## diff_belastend 812  0.77  0.76  0.69   0.64  4.5 1.9
## diff_nah       809  0.68  0.69  0.59   0.55  4.2 1.6
## Non missing response frequency for each item
##                   1    2    3    4    5    6    7 miss
## diff_sorge     0.11 0.11 0.10 0.14 0.25 0.18 0.11 0.00
## diff_angst     0.19 0.18 0.13 0.18 0.18 0.08 0.07 0.01
## diff_denke     0.04 0.07 0.12 0.23 0.26 0.19 0.09 0.01
## diff_hilflos   0.11 0.13 0.16 0.22 0.15 0.12 0.11 0.00
## diff_belastend 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.14 0.25 0.16 0.18 0.00
## diff_nah       0.09 0.09 0.12 0.26 0.23 0.14 0.07 0.00
## Reliability analysis   
## Call: psych::alpha(x = df_STAI)
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N    ase mean   sd median_r
##       0.94      0.94    0.95      0.42  15 0.0033    2 0.56     0.42
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.93 0.94 0.94 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##            raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se  var.r med.r
## STAI1_rec       0.93      0.93    0.94      0.43  14   0.0034 0.0110  0.42
## STAI2           0.93      0.94    0.95      0.43  14   0.0033 0.0112  0.43
## STAI3           0.93      0.93    0.94      0.42  14   0.0034 0.0114  0.42
## STAI4           0.93      0.93    0.94      0.43  14   0.0034 0.0114  0.42
## STAI5           0.94      0.94    0.95      0.44  15   0.0033 0.0104  0.43
## STAI6_rec       0.93      0.93    0.94      0.43  14   0.0034 0.0110  0.42
## STAI7_rec       0.93      0.93    0.94      0.43  14   0.0034 0.0113  0.42
## STAI8           0.93      0.93    0.94      0.42  14   0.0035 0.0114  0.41
## STAI9           0.93      0.93    0.94      0.43  14   0.0033 0.0105  0.42
## STAI10_rec      0.93      0.93    0.94      0.42  14   0.0035 0.0098  0.41
## STAI11          0.93      0.93    0.94      0.42  14   0.0035 0.0112  0.41
## STAI12          0.93      0.93    0.94      0.43  14   0.0034 0.0118  0.42
## STAI13_rec      0.93      0.93    0.94      0.43  14   0.0034 0.0103  0.42
## STAI14          0.93      0.93    0.94      0.43  14   0.0034 0.0108  0.42
## STAI15          0.93      0.93    0.94      0.42  14   0.0035 0.0109  0.41
## STAI16_rec      0.93      0.93    0.94      0.42  14   0.0035 0.0098  0.41
## STAI17          0.93      0.93    0.94      0.42  14   0.0034 0.0109  0.42
## STAI18          0.93      0.93    0.94      0.43  14   0.0034 0.0117  0.42
## STAI19_rec      0.93      0.93    0.94      0.42  14   0.0035 0.0103  0.41
## STAI20          0.93      0.93    0.94      0.42  14   0.0035 0.0117  0.41
##  Item statistics 
##              n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean   sd
## STAI1_rec  813  0.64  0.65  0.63   0.60  2.1 0.72
## STAI2      813  0.58  0.58  0.55   0.53  2.3 0.82
## STAI3      813  0.66  0.67  0.65   0.62  1.7 0.73
## STAI4      813  0.64  0.65  0.62   0.60  1.5 0.72
## STAI5      813  0.53  0.53  0.49   0.48  1.9 0.75
## STAI6_rec  813  0.64  0.64  0.62   0.59  2.5 0.83
## STAI7_rec  813  0.65  0.65  0.62   0.60  2.2 0.82
## STAI8      813  0.73  0.73  0.72   0.70  1.8 0.77
## STAI9      813  0.62  0.61  0.60   0.57  2.3 0.93
## STAI10_rec 813  0.72  0.72  0.72   0.68  2.1 0.81
## STAI11     813  0.77  0.76  0.75   0.73  1.9 0.88
## STAI12     813  0.66  0.65  0.63   0.61  2.0 0.89
## STAI13_rec 813  0.64  0.64  0.62   0.59  2.2 0.93
## STAI14     813  0.61  0.61  0.58   0.56  1.9 0.82
## STAI15     813  0.77  0.78  0.77   0.74  1.8 0.77
## STAI16_rec 813  0.77  0.77  0.77   0.74  1.9 0.82
## STAI17     813  0.68  0.67  0.66   0.63  2.1 0.86
## STAI18     813  0.66  0.66  0.63   0.61  2.1 0.92
## STAI19_rec 813  0.78  0.78  0.78   0.75  2.2 0.85
## STAI20     813  0.71  0.70  0.68   0.66  2.0 0.90
## Non missing response frequency for each item
##               1    2    3    4 miss
## STAI1_rec  0.19 0.51 0.28 0.01    0
## STAI2      0.15 0.49 0.28 0.08    0
## STAI3      0.41 0.45 0.12 0.02    0
## STAI4      0.64 0.27 0.07 0.02    0
## STAI5      0.34 0.47 0.16 0.02    0
## STAI6_rec  0.10 0.43 0.36 0.11    0
## STAI7_rec  0.20 0.44 0.32 0.05    0
## STAI8      0.41 0.44 0.13 0.03    0
## STAI9      0.22 0.41 0.25 0.11    0
## STAI10_rec 0.26 0.45 0.25 0.03    0
## STAI11     0.37 0.39 0.18 0.06    0
## STAI12     0.32 0.45 0.15 0.08    0
## STAI13_rec 0.27 0.37 0.27 0.09    0
## STAI14     0.33 0.45 0.17 0.04    0
## STAI15     0.38 0.46 0.13 0.03    0
## STAI16_rec 0.35 0.41 0.21 0.03    0
## STAI17     0.27 0.47 0.20 0.07    0
## STAI18     0.31 0.40 0.20 0.08    0
## STAI19_rec 0.24 0.40 0.31 0.05    0
## STAI20     0.34 0.39 0.21 0.07    0
## Reliability analysis   
## Call: psych::alpha(x = df_IUS)
##   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N    ase mean   sd median_r
##       0.87      0.87    0.88      0.36 6.8 0.0066  2.7 0.83     0.36
##  lower alpha upper     95% confidence boundaries
## 0.86 0.87 0.89 
##  Reliability if an item is dropped:
##       raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se  var.r med.r
## IUS1       0.86      0.86    0.87      0.36 6.2   0.0073 0.0107  0.35
## IUS2       0.87      0.87    0.88      0.38 6.8   0.0067 0.0096  0.40
## IUS3       0.86      0.86    0.86      0.35 6.0   0.0075 0.0099  0.35
## IUS4       0.87      0.87    0.87      0.38 6.6   0.0068 0.0092  0.38
## IUS5       0.86      0.86    0.87      0.36 6.2   0.0072 0.0119  0.35
## IUS6       0.86      0.86    0.86      0.36 6.2   0.0073 0.0087  0.35
## IUS7       0.86      0.86    0.87      0.37 6.4   0.0071 0.0088  0.36
## IUS8       0.86      0.86    0.87      0.36 6.2   0.0073 0.0116  0.36
## IUS9       0.86      0.86    0.87      0.36 6.3   0.0072 0.0117  0.36
## IUS10      0.86      0.86    0.87      0.36 6.1   0.0073 0.0101  0.35
## IUS11      0.86      0.86    0.87      0.37 6.3   0.0071 0.0106  0.36
## IUS12      0.86      0.86    0.86      0.35 6.0   0.0075 0.0107  0.33
##  Item statistics 
##         n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean  sd
## IUS1  813  0.67  0.67  0.63   0.59  2.8 1.2
## IUS2  813  0.50  0.50  0.42   0.40  3.4 1.3
## IUS3  813  0.72  0.71  0.69   0.64  2.7 1.4
## IUS4  813  0.54  0.55  0.49   0.45  3.2 1.2
## IUS5  813  0.66  0.66  0.61   0.58  2.7 1.3
## IUS6  813  0.67  0.67  0.65   0.59  2.3 1.3
## IUS7  813  0.62  0.62  0.58   0.53  2.7 1.3
## IUS8  813  0.67  0.67  0.63   0.59  2.9 1.4
## IUS9  813  0.65  0.65  0.60   0.56  2.3 1.3
## IUS10 813  0.68  0.68  0.65   0.60  2.2 1.2
## IUS11 813  0.63  0.63  0.59   0.54  3.1 1.3
## IUS12 813  0.72  0.73  0.70   0.66  2.4 1.2
## Non missing response frequency for each item
##          1    2    3    4    5 miss
## IUS1  0.21 0.18 0.38 0.12 0.12    0
## IUS2  0.12 0.08 0.34 0.20 0.26    0
## IUS3  0.29 0.16 0.29 0.11 0.14    0
## IUS4  0.13 0.11 0.40 0.16 0.20    0
## IUS5  0.26 0.18 0.33 0.10 0.13    0
## IUS6  0.37 0.20 0.27 0.07 0.08    0
## IUS7  0.25 0.17 0.34 0.12 0.11    0
## IUS8  0.23 0.15 0.32 0.14 0.16    0
## IUS9  0.37 0.19 0.30 0.06 0.09    0
## IUS10 0.38 0.21 0.27 0.06 0.07    0
## IUS11 0.16 0.13 0.37 0.16 0.19    0
## IUS12 0.34 0.17 0.35 0.05 0.09    0
data <- preprocess_overall_pruchasing(df = data_sample) #full range scale data

filtered_data <- preprocess_overall_pruchasing_filtered(df = data_sample) 

data_food <- preprocess_individual_products(df = data_sample, t = NA, DV = "NonPerishableFood")
data_hygiene <- preprocess_individual_products(df = data_sample, t = NA, DV = "HygieneProducts")
data_freshFood <- preprocess_individual_products(df = data_sample, t = NA, DV = "FreshFood")
#correlations full range scale
cor_data <- tab_corr(data = select(data,
                       risk_loved), triangle = "lower")

  FreqMarch QuaMarch sex age education householdsize SEA sem_diff Prob_Einkaufen IUS STAI info_verlauf risk_self risk_loved
QuaMarch -0.309***                          
sex 0.107** -0.035                        
age -0.037 -0.121*** -0.045                      
education -0.058 0.095** 0.002 -0.099**                    
householdsize -0.002 0.022 -0.047 -0.097** 0.039                  
SEA -0.014 -0.081* -0.113** 0.179*** 0.001 -0.016                
sem_diff -0.184*** 0.226*** -0.150*** -0.110** 0.116*** 0.024 -0.083*              
Prob_Einkaufen -0.122*** 0.141*** -0.036 -0.083* -0.026 -0.038 -0.088* 0.343***            
IUS 0.018 0.149*** -0.033 -0.179*** -0.033 -0.026 -0.136*** 0.300*** 0.237***          
STAI -0.021 0.109** -0.043 -0.231*** -0.048 -0.006 -0.224*** 0.325*** 0.232*** 0.605***        
info_verlauf -0.060 0.087* -0.006 0.269*** -0.025 0.039 0.092** 0.241*** 0.033 0.067 -0.059      
risk_self -0.059 -0.094** -0.001 0.438*** -0.119*** -0.134*** 0.010 0.048 0.106** -0.042 0.011 0.090*    
risk_loved -0.064 -0.004 -0.078* 0.152*** -0.033 -0.017 -0.039 0.042 0.008 -0.022 0.019 0.024 0.372***  
Computed correlation used pearson-method with listwise-deletion.
cor_data_filtered <- tab_corr(data = select(filtered_data,
                       risk_loved), triangle = "lower")

  FreqMarch QuaMarch sex age education householdsize SEA sem_diff Prob_Einkaufen IUS STAI info_verlauf risk_self risk_loved
QuaMarch -0.607***                          
sex 0.129*** -0.068                        
age -0.033 -0.108** -0.051                      
education -0.127*** 0.122** 0.017 -0.103**                    
householdsize -0.018 0.038 -0.026 -0.077* 0.035                  
SEA 0.007 -0.049 -0.111** 0.159*** -0.011 -0.013                
sem_diff -0.319*** 0.314*** -0.156*** -0.104** 0.086* 0.017 -0.095*              
Prob_Einkaufen -0.189*** 0.203*** -0.048 -0.068 -0.018 0.001 -0.068 0.358***            
IUS -0.074 0.121** -0.051 -0.188*** -0.038 -0.028 -0.133*** 0.322*** 0.208***          
STAI -0.082* 0.111** -0.043 -0.230*** -0.080* -0.036 -0.223*** 0.306*** 0.218*** 0.600***        
info_verlauf -0.174*** 0.146*** -0.007 0.273*** -0.015 0.031 0.106** 0.238*** 0.025 0.063 -0.088*      
risk_self -0.066 -0.047 0.006 0.464*** -0.119** -0.125** 0.013 0.032 0.087* -0.063 -0.009 0.105**    
risk_loved -0.069 -0.012 -0.076* 0.147*** -0.026 0.015 -0.023 0.028 0.001 -0.038 0.006 0.026 0.354***  
Computed correlation used pearson-method with listwise-deletion.
subdata_Threat <-select(data,

Model_Threat <- lm(sem_diff ~ ., data = subdata_Threat)

#           show.intercept = FALSE,
#  = FALSE,
#  = FALSE,
#           show.stat = TRUE,
#  = "scientific",
#           string.est = "b",
#  = "SE")

## Call:
## lm(formula = sem_diff ~ ., data = subdata_Threat)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -2.88960 -0.58585  0.04263  0.59182  2.32513 
## Coefficients:
##                 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)     0.070195   0.033610   2.089  0.03707 *  
## sex            -0.326107   0.073128  -4.459 9.39e-06 ***
## age            -0.086391   0.032460  -2.661  0.00794 ** 
## education       0.134131   0.029960   4.477 8.67e-06 ***
## householdsize   0.006096   0.030051   0.203  0.83931    
## SEA            -0.027315   0.031058  -0.879  0.37939    
## Prob_Einkaufen  0.256445   0.030895   8.301 4.37e-16 ***
## IUS             0.074628   0.038074   1.960  0.05033 .  
## STAI            0.210519   0.038699   5.440 7.08e-08 ***
## info_verlauf    0.268601   0.031352   8.567  < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.8467 on 803 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.291,  Adjusted R-squared:  0.283 
## F-statistic: 36.62 on 9 and 803 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
print_model(df = filtered_data, model = "Baseline", add_variable = "")
  FreqMarch QuaMarch
Predictors b Statistic p b Statistic p
sex 0.32 3.46 0.001 -0.19 -2.05 0.040
age -0.05 -1.18 0.237 -0.09 -2.38 0.018
education -0.13 -3.49 0.001 0.11 2.95 0.003
householdsize -0.01 -0.35 0.730 0.02 0.64 0.526
SEA 0.03 0.71 0.477 -0.04 -1.09 0.278
Observations 678 678
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.036 / 0.029 0.032 / 0.025
print_model(df = filtered_data, model = "specific", add_variable = "sem_diff")
## Note: Using an external vector in selections is ambiguous.
## i Use `all_of(add_variable)` instead of `add_variable` to silence this message.
## i See <>.
## This message is displayed once per session.
  FreqMarch QuaMarch
Predictors b Statistic p b Statistic p
sex 0.19 2.14 0.032 -0.07 -0.74 0.457
age -0.07 -1.97 0.050 -0.07 -1.78 0.076
education -0.11 -2.99 0.003 0.09 2.44 0.015
householdsize -0.01 -0.35 0.728 0.02 0.65 0.516
SEA -0.00 -0.08 0.939 -0.01 -0.34 0.731
sem_diff -0.30 -8.21 <0.001 0.29 7.86 <0.001
Observations 678 678
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.124 / 0.116 0.114 / 0.106
print_model(df = filtered_data, model = "specific", add_variable = "IUS")
  FreqMarch QuaMarch
Predictors b Statistic p b Statistic p
sex 0.30 3.30 0.001 -0.17 -1.86 0.064
age -0.06 -1.55 0.121 -0.07 -1.86 0.063
education -0.14 -3.62 <0.001 0.12 3.11 0.002
householdsize -0.02 -0.44 0.659 0.03 0.76 0.448
SEA 0.02 0.47 0.640 -0.03 -0.78 0.438
IUS -0.08 -2.12 0.035 0.11 2.70 0.007
Observations 678 678
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.042 / 0.034 0.043 / 0.034
print_model(df = filtered_data, model = "specific", add_variable = "STAI")
  FreqMarch QuaMarch
Predictors b Statistic p b Statistic p
sex 0.30 3.26 0.001 -0.17 -1.86 0.063
age -0.07 -1.72 0.085 -0.07 -1.80 0.072
education -0.14 -3.76 <0.001 0.12 3.20 0.001
householdsize -0.02 -0.49 0.623 0.03 0.77 0.440
SEA 0.01 0.18 0.859 -0.02 -0.58 0.565
STAI -0.10 -2.57 0.010 0.10 2.42 0.016
Observations 678 678
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.045 / 0.037 0.040 / 0.032
print_model(df = filtered_data, model = "specific", add_variable = "risk_self")
  FreqMarch QuaMarch
Predictors b Statistic p b Statistic p
sex 0.32 3.51 <0.001 -0.19 -2.06 0.040
age -0.01 -0.18 0.858 -0.10 -2.29 0.022
education -0.14 -3.64 <0.001 0.11 2.97 0.003
householdsize -0.02 -0.53 0.594 0.03 0.67 0.503
SEA 0.02 0.58 0.559 -0.04 -1.06 0.291
risk_self -0.17 -1.92 0.056 0.03 0.39 0.700
Observations 678 678
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.041 / 0.033 0.032 / 0.024
print_model(df = filtered_data, model = "specific", add_variable = "risk_loved")
  FreqMarch QuaMarch
Predictors b Statistic p b Statistic p
sex 0.31 3.35 0.001 -0.19 -2.05 0.041
age -0.04 -0.95 0.341 -0.09 -2.34 0.020
education -0.13 -3.51 <0.001 0.11 2.95 0.003
householdsize -0.01 -0.31 0.757 0.02 0.64 0.525
SEA 0.02 0.63 0.528 -0.04 -1.09 0.277
risk_loved -0.11 -1.46 0.145 -0.01 -0.07 0.943
Observations 678 678
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.039 / 0.030 0.032 / 0.023
print_model(df = filtered_data, model = "specific", add_variable = "info_verlauf")
  FreqMarch QuaMarch
Predictors b Statistic p b Statistic p
sex 0.32 3.58 <0.001 -0.20 -2.17 0.031
age 0.00 0.06 0.952 -0.14 -3.64 <0.001
education -0.13 -3.49 0.001 0.11 2.94 0.003
householdsize -0.00 -0.10 0.920 0.01 0.38 0.705
SEA 0.04 1.03 0.303 -0.05 -1.43 0.152
info_verlauf -0.18 -4.62 <0.001 0.19 4.93 <0.001
Observations 678 678
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.066 / 0.057 0.066 / 0.058
print_model(df = filtered_data, model = "specific", add_variable = "Prob_Einkaufen")
  FreqMarch QuaMarch
Predictors b Statistic p b Statistic p
sex 0.29 3.23 0.001 -0.16 -1.79 0.074
age -0.06 -1.52 0.130 -0.08 -2.10 0.036
education -0.14 -3.68 <0.001 0.12 3.13 0.002
householdsize -0.01 -0.38 0.705 0.03 0.68 0.500
SEA 0.02 0.40 0.686 -0.03 -0.78 0.438
Prob_Einkaufen -0.19 -5.03 <0.001 0.19 5.20 <0.001
Observations 678 678
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.071 / 0.063 0.070 / 0.061
subdata_Freq <-select(filtered_data, FreqMarch, 

subdata_Qua <-select(filtered_data, QuaMarch, 

Model_Freq <- lm(FreqMarch ~ ., data = subdata_Freq)

Model_Qua <- lm(QuaMarch ~ ., data = subdata_Qua)

## Call:
## lm(formula = FreqMarch ~ ., data = subdata_Freq)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -2.5050 -0.6950  0.1895  0.7284  1.8617 
## Coefficients:
##                 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)    -0.046147   0.040839  -1.130  0.25889    
## sex             0.208586   0.088555   2.355  0.01879 *  
## age            -0.044080   0.039247  -1.123  0.26178    
## education      -0.116909   0.036560  -3.198  0.00145 ** 
## householdsize  -0.007608   0.036117  -0.211  0.83322    
## SEA             0.001703   0.037450   0.045  0.96375    
## sem_diff       -0.239725   0.042787  -5.603 3.09e-08 ***
## IUS             0.047021   0.046100   1.020  0.30811    
## STAI           -0.039813   0.047347  -0.841  0.40071    
## info_verlauf   -0.110284   0.039673  -2.780  0.00559 ** 
## Prob_Einkaufen -0.101949   0.038826  -2.626  0.00884 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.933 on 667 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.1423, Adjusted R-squared:  0.1295 
## F-statistic: 11.07 on 10 and 667 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
## Call:
## lm(formula = QuaMarch ~ ., data = subdata_Qua)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -1.6772 -0.6880 -0.1595  0.4859  2.8900 
## Coefficients:
##                 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)     0.019108   0.040986   0.466  0.64122    
## sex            -0.086368   0.088875  -0.972  0.33150    
## age            -0.096995   0.039389  -2.463  0.01405 *  
## education       0.098189   0.036693   2.676  0.00763 ** 
## householdsize   0.018535   0.036247   0.511  0.60928    
## SEA            -0.019097   0.037586  -0.508  0.61155    
## sem_diff        0.215460   0.042941   5.018 6.72e-07 ***
## IUS            -0.007187   0.046267  -0.155  0.87661    
## STAI            0.015525   0.047518   0.327  0.74399    
## info_verlauf    0.123330   0.039817   3.097  0.00203 ** 
## Prob_Einkaufen  0.113084   0.038966   2.902  0.00383 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.9364 on 667 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.1361, Adjusted R-squared:  0.1232 
## F-statistic: 10.51 on 10 and 667 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
tab_model(Model_Freq, Model_Qua,
           show.intercept = FALSE,
  = FALSE,
  = FALSE,
           show.stat = TRUE,
  = "scientific",
           string.est = "b",
  = "SE")
  FreqMarch QuaMarch
Predictors b Statistic p b Statistic p
sex 0.21 2.36 0.019 -0.09 -0.97 0.332
age -0.04 -1.12 0.262 -0.10 -2.46 0.014
education -0.12 -3.20 0.001 0.10 2.68 0.008
householdsize -0.01 -0.21 0.833 0.02 0.51 0.609
SEA 0.00 0.05 0.964 -0.02 -0.51 0.612
sem_diff -0.24 -5.60 <0.001 0.22 5.02 <0.001
IUS 0.05 1.02 0.308 -0.01 -0.16 0.877
STAI -0.04 -0.84 0.401 0.02 0.33 0.744
info_verlauf -0.11 -2.78 0.006 0.12 3.10 0.002
Prob_Einkaufen -0.10 -2.63 0.009 0.11 2.90 0.004
Observations 678 678
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.142 / 0.129 0.136 / 0.123
model_food <- lm(NonPerishableFood ~ sex
                       + age
                       + education
                       + householdsize
                       + SEA
                       + risk_self
                       + risk_loved
                       + info_verlauf
                       + sem_diff
                       + Prob_Einkaufen
                       + IUS
                       ,data = data_food)

model_hygiene <- lm(HygieneProducts ~ sex
                       + age
                       + education
                       + householdsize
                       + SEA
                       + risk_self
                       + risk_loved
                       + info_verlauf
                       + sem_diff
                       + Prob_Einkaufen
                       + IUS
                       ,data = data_hygiene)

model_freshFood <- lm(FreshFood ~ sex
                       + age
                       + education
                       + householdsize
                       + SEA
                       + risk_self
                       + risk_loved
                       + info_verlauf
                       + sem_diff
                       + Prob_Einkaufen
                       + IUS
                       ,data = data_freshFood)

tab_model(model_food, model_hygiene, model_freshFood,
           show.intercept = FALSE,
  = FALSE,
  = FALSE,
           show.stat = TRUE,
  = "scientific",
           string.est = "b",
  = "SE")
  NonPerishableFood HygieneProducts FreshFood
Predictors b Statistic p b Statistic p b Statistic p
sex 0.04 0.48 0.631 0.11 1.28 0.199 0.13 1.44 0.149
age 0.09 2.30 0.022 -0.01 -0.30 0.762 -0.08 -1.73 0.084
education 0.05 1.37 0.172 0.06 1.82 0.069 -0.00 -0.02 0.982
householdsize 0.02 0.64 0.522 -0.02 -0.52 0.603 -0.02 -0.52 0.607
SEA -0.08 -2.41 0.016 -0.06 -1.63 0.103 -0.03 -0.72 0.470
risk_self 0.02 0.29 0.769 -0.09 -1.07 0.284 0.02 0.21 0.836
risk_loved 0.17 2.33 0.020 0.09 1.17 0.241 0.12 1.54 0.125
info_verlauf 0.11 3.00 0.003 0.13 3.47 0.001 0.05 1.30 0.195
sem_diff 0.21 5.56 <0.001 0.17 4.32 <0.001 0.10 2.29 0.023
Prob_Einkaufen 0.11 2.94 0.003 0.06 1.77 0.077 0.02 0.51 0.609
IUS 0.10 2.77 0.006 0.14 3.83 <0.001 0.09 2.21 0.028
Observations 789 801 749
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.154 / 0.142 0.121 / 0.109 0.044 / 0.029
## Call:
## lm(formula = NonPerishableFood ~ sex + age + education + householdsize + 
##     SEA + risk_self + risk_loved + info_verlauf + sem_diff + 
##     Prob_Einkaufen + IUS, data = data_food)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -1.4819 -0.6014 -0.2523  0.2938  4.5515 
## Coefficients:
##                Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)    -0.10468    0.05491  -1.906  0.05698 .  
## sex             0.03962    0.08238   0.481  0.63066    
## age             0.09239    0.04012   2.303  0.02157 *  
## education       0.04623    0.03385   1.366  0.17242    
## householdsize   0.02127    0.03322   0.640  0.52209    
## SEA            -0.08240    0.03421  -2.409  0.01625 *  
## risk_self       0.02402    0.08163   0.294  0.76860    
## risk_loved      0.16717    0.07160   2.335  0.01981 *  
## info_verlauf    0.10814    0.03602   3.002  0.00277 ** 
## sem_diff        0.21415    0.03852   5.559 3.73e-08 ***
## Prob_Einkaufen  0.10538    0.03583   2.941  0.00337 ** 
## IUS             0.09832    0.03545   2.773  0.00568 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.9265 on 777 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.1536, Adjusted R-squared:  0.1416 
## F-statistic: 12.82 on 11 and 777 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
## Call:
## lm(formula = HygieneProducts ~ sex + age + education + householdsize + 
##     SEA + risk_self + risk_loved + info_verlauf + sem_diff + 
##     Prob_Einkaufen + IUS, data = data_hygiene)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -1.5650 -0.5980 -0.2450  0.3077  4.6122 
## Coefficients:
##                Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)    -0.03145    0.05577  -0.564 0.572975    
## sex             0.10730    0.08354   1.284 0.199378    
## age            -0.01229    0.04063  -0.302 0.762427    
## education       0.06274    0.03443   1.822 0.068808 .  
## householdsize  -0.01761    0.03380  -0.521 0.602507    
## SEA            -0.05646    0.03460  -1.632 0.103092    
## risk_self      -0.08835    0.08241  -1.072 0.284031    
## risk_loved      0.08503    0.07249   1.173 0.241129    
## info_verlauf    0.12644    0.03648   3.466 0.000557 ***
## sem_diff        0.16968    0.03924   4.324 1.73e-05 ***
## Prob_Einkaufen  0.06454    0.03649   1.769 0.077312 .  
## IUS             0.13843    0.03615   3.830 0.000139 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.9441 on 789 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.1209, Adjusted R-squared:  0.1086 
## F-statistic: 9.861 on 11 and 789 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
## Call:
## lm(formula = FreshFood ~ sex + age + education + householdsize + 
##     SEA + risk_self + risk_loved + info_verlauf + sem_diff + 
##     Prob_Einkaufen + IUS, data = data_freshFood)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -1.0331 -0.5156 -0.3702 -0.0950  4.6539 
## Coefficients:
##                  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
## (Intercept)    -0.0910427  0.0600216  -1.517   0.1297  
## sex             0.1296775  0.0898013   1.444   0.1492  
## age            -0.0758529  0.0438825  -1.729   0.0843 .
## education      -0.0008191  0.0367720  -0.022   0.9822  
## householdsize  -0.0185583  0.0360158  -0.515   0.6065  
## SEA            -0.0274428  0.0379964  -0.722   0.4704  
## risk_self       0.0183648  0.0884437   0.208   0.8356  
## risk_loved      0.1198622  0.0780488   1.536   0.1250  
## info_verlauf    0.0509697  0.0393037   1.297   0.1951  
## sem_diff        0.0961733  0.0420819   2.285   0.0226 *
## Prob_Einkaufen  0.0200107  0.0390751   0.512   0.6087  
## IUS             0.0853787  0.0386950   2.206   0.0277 *
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.9852 on 737 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.04366,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.02938 
## F-statistic: 3.059 on 11 and 737 DF,  p-value: 0.000507
group_fre <- c()
group_fre[data_sample$FreqMarch < 0] <- "less"
group_fre[data_sample$FreqMarch == 0] <- "same"
group_fre[data_sample$FreqMarch > 0] <- "more"

group_qua <- c()
group_qua[data_sample$QuaMarch < 0] <- "less"
group_qua[data_sample$QuaMarch == 0] <- "same"
group_qua[data_sample$QuaMarch > 0] <- "more"

df_gr <- data.frame(group_fre, group_qua)

df_gr$group_fre <- factor(df_gr$group_fre, levels = c("less", "same", "more"))
df_gr$group_qua <- factor(df_gr$group_qua, levels = c("less", "same", "more"))

Fig1 <- ggplot(data = df_gr, aes(x=group_fre, label = scales::percent(prop.table(stat(count)), accuracy = 0.1L)))+
  geom_bar(fill = "#FF0000")+
  ylab("Number of Observations")+
  xlab("Change in Purchasing Frequency")+
  geom_text(stat = 'count',
        position = position_dodge(.9), 
        vjust = -0.5, 
        size = 3) 

Fig2 <- ggplot(data = df_gr, aes(x=group_qua,label = scales::percent(prop.table(stat(count)), accuracy = 0.1L)))+
  geom_bar(fill = "#FF0000")+
  ylab("Number of Observations")+
  xlab("Change in Purchasing Quantity")+
  geom_text(stat = 'count',
          position = position_dodge(.9), 
          vjust = -0.5, 
          size = 3) 

