_Readme Title: Synthetic Meteosat First Generation MVIRI Visible Band Images (Level 1.5) Authors: Ivo Jung [1], Sheetabh Gaurav [1] and Jörg Bendix [1] Affiliations: [1] Department of Geography, LCRS - Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Deutschhausstraße 12, 35032 Marburg, Germany Cite as: Synthetic Meteosat First Generation Rectified MVIRI Visible Band Images (Level 1.5) by Jung, I., Gaurav S. and Bendix J. Short Name: toa_bidrectional_reflectance_vis Date created: 2024-10-17 Language: English DFG-Subject: Geography, Physical Geography, FK-Nr. 317-01 Keywords: | MSG | Meteosat First Generation (MFG) | Reflectance | Remote Sensing | Europe | Machine Learning | Temporal Coverage: Begin: 2006-07-15 End: 2020-12-14 Geographic Coverage: Geographic Description: WMO-Region VI (EPSG:9001) Bounding Coordinates: - lon/lat [degrees] - WGS 84 max latitude: 80.4° (real 62.0°) , min latitude: 30.1° min longitude: -12.6°, max longitude: 21.0° Abstract: This data was synthesized for the LCRS-Domain using a trained Random Forest Regressor. Details and the corresponding script are available on: https://gitlab.uni-marburg.de/fb19/ag-bendix/harmonizing_synthesizing_mfg_vis. Associated Entities to this dataset: Array data is stored in NetCDF (.nc) format Dimensions: lon, lat, time Data Variables: toa_bidirectional_reflectance_vis Additional Infos: This data was generated from High Rate SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data - MSG - 0 degree data using a Random Forest Regressor. The data was spatially resampled to the area extent of the MSG SEVIRI LCRS-Domain. No data was generated for pixels above latitudes of 62 deg. N. and with Solar Zenith Angles above 80 deg. No scenes are available from 23:00 to 00:30 due to no available reflectances during nighttime. Preprocessing of the model input data was carried out by the LCRS Marburg. Reference: Original MVIRI Level 1.5 Climate Data Record Release 1 - MFG - 0 degree provided and released by EUMETSAT: https://www.eumetsat.int. For additional information please refer to the Product Navigation and the Product User Guide for the original MVIRI Level 1.5 Climate Data Record Release 1. Product Navigation reference: https://navigator.eumetsat.int/product/EO:EUM:DAT:0080. Product User Guide Document reference: EUM/USC/DOC/17/906121. Description: [1] README file [2] tar.gz (16 in total): The data comprises synthetic and harmonized Meteosat First Generation (MFG) MVIRI VIS reflectance Image data from 2006 - 2020 (2004 and 2005 were also generated for validation purposes). The images are stored as .nc files with reflectance values and geographic and temporal information. The images are compressed into annual archives (Year/Month/Day/). The file naming conversion follows the scheme date_timeofday_synthesized.nc, whereas date is YearMonthDate (i.e. 20200101 = January 1st 2020) and timeofday is HourMinute (1230 = 12:30PM). Version: 1.0