This directory contains: - `analysis_code.tar/`: Contains the code used to analyse the physiological data. - '': Contains code to create Figures 3A,B and 7 from the original manuscript. Plotting functions are called by - '': Contains the code to compute firing posteriors and motion sensitivity as well as direction selectivity scores. - '': Contains the code underlying the computations in - `data.tar/`: Meta and physiological data. Consult the `` file in this folder for further details. - `csv_data/`: - '_.csv' where b=backward,f=forward,lt=left turn,rt=right turn,lr=left roll,rr=right roll,u=up,d=down: Spike data - `fz2_metadata.csv`: Meta data for each data set. - `simulation_code.tar/`: Contains the code for all computational models and optimizations. - '': Contains all versions of the computational model and optimizations for compass state maintenance and shifts. - '': Contains code to create Figure 5 and Supplementary Figures 1 and 2 from the original manuscript. - '': Contains utility functions used by - 'Manuscript.pdf': Pre-Print of the Manuscript. - 'Supplementary Material.pdf': Supplementary Material accompanying the Manuscript. To execute the analyses, the archives data.tar and analysis_code.tar must be unpacked into the same folder, preserving their internal folder structure.