Research DataOpen Access

Reconciliation in Colombia – A Q-methodological Study


This is the data from a q-methodological research project on reconciliation in Colombia, which was conducted from May 2021 until August 2022 and funded by the Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung (DSF). Data was collected from October until mid-December 2021 online via Q Method Software ( and analyzed with Ken-Q Analysis ( Research participants were asked to share their perspectives on reconciliation in Colombia by ranking images on a distribution scale from -4 (least representative images for reconciliation) to +4 (most representative images for reconciliation). The resulting distributions of images are referred to as Q sorts and factor analysis is used to find groups of similar Q sorts, i.e. perspectives on reconciliation. Since the scope of publications is always limited, we seek to provide a higher level of transparency to our research providing our research data in this repository.


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Stahl, Ilona; Betancourt Macuase, Luisa; Fusser, Myriell; Oettler, Anika: Reconciliation in Colombia – A Q-methodological Study. . DOI:

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