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Kohlenstoffdioxidmesswerte der Ketzerbach in Marburg an der Lahn und des Referenzgebiets in Marburg-Schröck


This data set contains measured values for air quality at 2 locations in Marburg. The data was collected in August and September 2024 using the Rotronic CP 11 mobile measuring device. Humidity, temperature and CO₂ concentration were measured. The data is provided in CSV format (field separator: “;”). The first 6 lines contain information about the measuring device. The measuring device was therefore always placed in the middle of the Ketzerbach 50 cm above the ground. The distance to the road was 1.20 m on both sides and to the buildings 10.52 m on the left and 7.23 m on the right. In Marburg-Schröck, the measuring device was mounted at a height of 150 cm and aligned to the northeast and stood at the edge of the road, 8 meters away from the houses. The measuring interval was 1 minute.


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Nieke Fläschner; Dr. Jürgen Kluge: Kohlenstoffdioxidmesswerte der Ketzerbach in Marburg an der Lahn und des Referenzgebiets in Marburg-Schröck. .