"immunophenotypic_variation_SEC.csv" is a minimal data set, containing the data at the basis of the results reported in Frontiers of Immunology. Data including calendary dates can additionally be requested via data_UMR or email at trafo@[1] or westhoff@[2] (upon reasonable request). [1]uni-marburg.de [2]med.uni-marburg.de Variable Names: Short Description Metastasierung_SLN_Text: type of metastasis for SLN, keine Metastase = no metastasis, isolierte Tumorzellen (ITC) = isolated tumor cells, Mikrometastase = micrometastasis, Makrometastase = macrometastasis Metastasierung_NSLN_Text: type of metastasis for NSLN, keine Metastase = no metastasis, Mikrometastase = micrometastasis, Makrometastase = macrometastasis tumorart_text: tumor type, NST = invasive carcinoma NST, ILC = invasive lobular carcinoma, other = other types Tumorart_Text: tumor type, NST = invasive carcinoma NST, ILC = invasive lobular carcinoma, apokrin = apocrine, metaplastisch = metaplastic, muzinoes = mucinous, papillaer = papillary, tubulaer = tubular carcinoma Groesse PT [mm]: size of primary tumor in mm Groesse_PT_bin: tumor size categorized according to cutoff (29 mm) generated with the tool Cutoff Finder, Tumor < 29 mm = tumor size < 29 mm, Tumor > 29 mm = tumor size > 29 mm pT_Stadium: pT stage pT_bin: pT stage as binary variable (pT1 vs. pT2/3) pN_Stadium pN stage pN_bin pN stage as categorized variable (pN0 vs. pN1 vs. pN2/3) pN_bin_2 pN stage as binary variable (pN0 vs. pN+) Grading: grading ER: status of estrogen receptor (negative = ER IRS <=1, positive = ER IRS >= 2) ER_ IRS: estrogen receptor expression as IRS (Remmele Score) PR status of progesterone receptor (negative = PR IRS <=1, positive = PR IRS >= 2) PR_ IRS: progesterone receptor expression as IRS (Remmele Score) Her2_neu: HER2/neu status, negative = 0, positive = 1 positive Flaeche CD31_sq_mm: positive area of subcapsular sinus for CD31 in mm, as assessed by QuPath positive Flaeche D2-40_sq_mm: positive area of subcapsular sinus for D2-40 in mm, as assessed by QuPath positive Flaeche Prox1_sq_mm: positive area of subcapsular sinus for Prox1 in mm, as assessed by QuPath Quotient D2-40 / CD31: quotient of positive area of subcapsular sinus for D2-40 in mm by positive area of subcapsular sinus for CD31 in mm Quotient_D240_CD31_bin: quotient of D2-40 by CD31 categorized according to cutoff (0.037) generated with the tool Cutoff Finder, Quotient D2-40/CD31 < 0.037 = quotient < 0.037, Quotient D2-40/CD31 > 0.037 = quotient > 0.037 Quotient D2-40 / Prox1: quotient of positive area of subcapsular sinus for D2-40 in mm by positive area of subcapsular sinus for Prox1 in mm Quotient_D240_Prox1_bin: quotient of D2-40 by Prox1 categorized according to cutoff (1.5) generated with the tool Cutoff Finder, Quotient D2-40/Prox1 < 1.5 = quotient < 1.5, Quotient D2-40/Prox1 > 1.5 = quotient > 1.5 Gesamtflaeche CD31_sq_mm: total area of subcapsular sinus for measuring CD31 in mm, as assessed by QuPath Gesamtflaeche D2-40_sq_mm: total area of subcapsular sinus for measuring D2-40 in mm, as assessed by QuPath Gesamtflaeche Prox1_sq_mm: total area of subcapsular sinus for measuring Prox1 in mm, as assessed by QuPath ZV_OS: censoring variable, 0 = alive, 1 = dead ER_IRS_bin: ER IRS categorized according to cutoff (ER IRS 7) generated with the tool Cutoff Finder pos_Flaeche_D240_bin_engl: positive area of subcapsular sinus for D2-40, categorized according to cutoff (0.009487 mm2) generated with the tool Cutoff Finder pos_Flaeche_Prox1_bin_engl: positive area of subcapsular sinus for Prox1, categorized according to cutoff (0.04787 mm2) generated with the tool Cutoff Finder pos_Flaeche_CD31_bin_engl: positive area of subcapsular sinus for CD31, categorized according to cutoff (0.6859 mm2) generated with the tool Cutoff Finder Gesamtflaeche_CD31_bin_engl: total area of subcapsular sinus for measuring CD31, categorized according to cutoff (0.5384 mm2) generated with the tool Cutoff Finder Gesamtflaeche_D240_bin_engl: total area of subcapsular sinus for measuring D2-40, categorized according to cutoff (0.7399 mm2) generated with the tool Cutoff Finder Gesamtflaeche_Prox1_bin_engl: total area of subcapsular sinus for measuring Prox1, categorized according to cutoff (0.9375 mm2) generated with the tool Cutoff Finder TILs_metastasis: stromal TILs assessed in metastasis, in % ln_activation: status of lymph node activation OS_Zeit_Jahre: time of overall survival in years, time between date of surgery and date of death or last vital status Alter_OP_Jahre: age at surgery (in years) Alter_OP_bin: age at surgery in years, categorized according to cutoff (60) TILs_bin: stromal TILs assessed in metastasis in %, categorized according to cutoff (4 %) ln_activation_bin: status of lymph node activation as binary variable (no activation vs. activation)