Retinal pigment epithelial cell maturation

Codebook for description of variables

General information


Variable description:

Name Description
agC3 anti-goat Alexa Cy3
amAF488 anti-mouse Alexa Fluor 488
arAF488 anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 488
arAF546 anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 546
ARL13B ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 13B
BEST1 bestrophin 1
C1q complement 1q
C2 complement 2
C3 complement 3
C3a complement 3a
C3antibody1 indicates the analysis of C3 with antibody 1
C3antibody3 indicates the analysis of C3 with antibody 3
C3aantibody2 indicates the analysis of C3/C3a with antibody 2
C3b complement 3b
C3beta complement 3 beta chain
C3c complement 3c
C3d complement 3d
C3depletedserum C3-depleted serum
C3(H2O) hydrolysed C3
C4 complement 4
C4B complement 4B
C5 complement 5
C5a complement 5a
C9 complement 9
CA cell body area in pixel per square inch
CC cell capacitance in micro farad per square centimetre
CD cell density in cells per square centimetre
CDH1 cadherin 1
CellType indicates if the sample was derived from ARPE-19 or iPSC-RPE cells
CFB, FB complement factor B
CFD, FD complement factor D
CFH, FH complement factor H
CFI, FI complement factor I
Condition indicates if the sample belongs to the group of immature, mature, treated, or control cells
F-actin filamentous actin
FHfamily indicates the analysis of several members of the FH family
FHL-1 factor H-like protein 1
FHR-1 factor H-related protein 1
FHR-2 factor H-related protein 2
FHR-3 factor H-related protein 3
FHR-4 factor H-related protein 4
FHR-5 factor H-related protein 5
GAPDH glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
GT335 polyglutamylated tubulin
GT335-A GT335 ciliary area in pixel per square inch
GT335andTJP1 indicates the co-analysis of GT335 and TJP1
iC3b inactivated complement 3b
LAMP2 lysosome-associated membrane protein 2
LOG2FC log2 fold change
MBL mannan-binding lectin
MERTK MER proto-oncogene, tyrosine kinase
Method “Western blot” indicates that no immune precipitation with the samples was conducted; “Immune precipitation” indicates that immune precipitation was first conducted
MFI median fluorescence intensity
N amount of neighbours per cell
NA nuclear area in pixel per square inch
Normalhumanserum normal human serum
OD optical density at 450 nm
PMEL premelanosome protein
RLBP1 retinaldehyde binding protein 1
RPE65 retinoid isomerohydrolase
Sample indicates which purified protein or serum sample was used for validation of the multiplex immunoassay
SampleType indicates if the Western blot sample was cell lysate from immature and mature ARPE-19 and iPSC-RPE cells, cell lysate from treatment cells, culture media, or purified proteins
Side indicates if the sample was harvested from the apical or the basal side of the cell
SNAI1 snail family transcriptional repressor 1
TGFBR1, TBRI transforming growth factor-beta receptor 1
TGFB1, TGF-Beta1 transforming growth factor-beta 1
TGFB1andTBRI indicates the co-analysis of TGFB1 and TBRI
TER transepithelial resistance in ohm square centimetre
TJP1 tight junction protein 1
VIM vimentin